An Exhibition of work by Annita Bokobli
A tendency towards prominent and crafted structures, often with exaggerated proportions, does not inhibit Annita Bokobli from completing them with delicate botanical materials. She is also unafraid to experiment with strong and dominant forms. This juxtaposition of strength and delicacy frequently leads to combinations of materials that make her compositions unexpected and exciting.
While Annita’s portfolio more than adequately exposes her predilection for contemporary and visible floral craftsmanship techniques, it equally displays her affection for the vast spectrum of horticultural materials that nature makes available to her.
This exhibition is but a snapshot of the extensive range of Annita’s productivity and includes compositions that showcase her mastery of high level and artistic floral design. She is also renowned for her profuse success in the everyday world of commercial floristry. A foot in both the artistic and the commercial camps of the flower world allows Annita to balance her creative energies – a balance that continues to propel her forward on an adventurous journey with flowers.

Stirlingia and Acacia on Wire Feet
Dramatically staged freestanding column of natural Stirlingia and Acacia aphylla on decorative wire feet
Stirlingia latifolia, Acacia aphylla
Photographer - Helen Miraldo

Linear Composition with Log
Graceful and delicate cascading linear composition anchored by a Eucalyptus log
Eucalyptus, Phalaenopsis, Eucalyptus, Alocasia, Hypericum androsaemum, Cytisus scoparius
Photographer – Denis Radacic

Focal on Hammered Wire
A dense concentration of exotics forms a focal area upon a structure on contrasting dried materials. The base is assembled using the hammering technique
Eucalyptus, Jacaranda seeds, Phalaenopsis, Allium, Alocasia
Photographer - Denis Radacic

Bouquet on Wire Spikes
Bridal design of florals organised along a base structure of wire spikes
Hoya carnosa, hedera helix, Rosa hybrida, Scabiosa caucasica. Passiflora
Photographer - Denis Radacic

Freestanding Composition
A solid, textured panel offsets the transparent, almost lace-like networking of stems in this freestanding bound composition
Allium, Dianthus caryophyllus, Strelitzia, Chryssanthemum sp., Typha, Salix
Photographer - Mark Pampling

Bridal Bouquet on Copper
Bridal bouquet of contrasting blooms and foliage on a structure of matted and wrapped copper wire
Rhipsalis, Rosa hybrida, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Begonia
Photographer - Denis Radacic

Bound Composition with Moss
Freestanding bound composition with florals draped across a textured structure of Spanish Moss (Tillandsia usneoides)
Allium, Phalaenopsis, Banksia speciosa, Delphinium, Rosa hybrida, Tillandsia usneoides, Zantadeschia, Salix Nigra, Sedum morganiannum
Photographer - Denis Radacic

Raffia and Botanicals
A screen of interwoven raffia, held aloft on a log of Eucalyptus, supports an unexpected combination of Indigenous and exotic botanicals
Phalaenopsis orchids, Hoya, Banksia speciosa, Bambuseae, Anthurium
Photographer - Mark Pampling

Beech Leaves in Frame
Beech leaves, with various decorative treatments are suspended within a gilded picture frame to form a dramatic circular void
Fagus (Beech)
Photographer - Helen Miraldo

Annita Bokobli
Annita Bokobli’s love of flowers and design spills over into all aspects of her life. She has been active in the floristry industry for over 18 years. Her career was initially inspired by a passion for nature, which quickly transformed into a desire to work with flowers and plant materials in the creative field of floral design.
Recognised for her flourishing talents and discerning style, Annita has presented demonstrations and educational events around Australia along with being the invited Guest Artist at horticultural exhibitions.
She has travelled internationally to continually hone her design skills and her evolution as a leading Creative. Competition floristry has been a natural and inevitable step in Annita’s career. She is one of only a handful of designers to have won the Interflora Australia Cup multiple times (2014 & 2016) – the trophy is the country’s most prestigious award for individual floral designers. These successes dovetail well with her many other competition wins, awards and wider industry recognition.
Annita is a co–owner of Floral Army, a boutique floral design studio based in East Fremantle. When she is not ably fulfilling the requests of her discerning customers she shares her wealth of talent as a floristry lecturer at Southern Metropolitan TAFE in Western Australia.
While her design style frequently displays tendencies towards delicacy, her proficiency with handling strong forms and bold, natural forms is equally evident. Her approach always displays a sensitivity to the characteristics of the individual components which she then combines in unexpected, appealing and alluringly tactile compositions.