Designing to Win Gallery - Glass & Grass

Irene S McIndoe
As part of Flower Thinking's Designing to Win program, floral designers responded to a competition-style schedule with the theme Glass & Grass.
Here is one submission from Australian floral Artist Irene McIndoe, with a glimpse of the learnings that were gained and applied.
Detail shot of Irene's interpretation of Glass & Grass

Glass & Grass - Irene S. McIndoe
Choice of a locally made leadlight emerald green glass box proved challenging with strong glass colour to unify scale and proportion of plant materials and keep within allotted space.
This was my third attempt - each one improved with assessments from Mark.
Design - Irene S McIndoe
Photography - Irene S McIndoe
Dianella, Kikuyu, Digitaria, Papyrus, Phalaenopsis, Scabiosa, Zantedeschia
Some of the Learnings Gained and Applied
- The composition has more self-contained energy and presence than submission #1 – it feels more decisive and has more impact.
- The design fits better into the environment.
- The glass and grass aspects are more evenly balanced.
- The design better fits the criteria of an arrangement.
- As a composition it feels more decisive and unified.
About the Designer
Irene is past Secretary and President of the NSW Floral Art Association and past President of the Australian Floral Art Association.

Become a Better Competitor
Improve your competing skills in a short, interactive course that challenges you to think - and work - under competition conditions.
Participate as a Designer - submitting two items for assessment and feedback, and become better at understanding and working to competition schedules.
Or participate as part of the Audience and gain insights that are normally gained only by competing.
If you'd like us to update you on the next Designing to Win course dates, sign up for updates below: